Start a Fire

Start a Fire
Storyblazer Introduction

Where I got this Photo.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Race to Witch Mountain

Race to Witch Mountain

Witch Mountain do you prefer to climb? Do you prefer to Escape to the 75 trail where you have time to savor the scenery and enjoy the characters you are accompanying on the journey? Or do you prefer to Race to the 2009 trail where it is a mad adrenaline rush from start to finish. The film does slow down long enough to explain the plot and then it speeds off again and then pauses again to let the Rock’s character Jack explain his hopes and dreams a little bit more and then the race is back on.

Along for the ride in the taxi cab with Jack Bruno are teen-age aliens with super powers Seth & Sara, and UFO expert Dr. Alex Friedman. As they race to Witch Mountain with the fate of earth in the balance, after the heroes is the mob, the U.S. Government and an alien bounty hunter out to kill the kids. It’s overall a fun race if you don’t mind the film not focusing on the plot and focusing on the action. Sometimes it focus a little too much on the action where you can’t see the action. Certain action films never like to pull out and let you look at the scene taking place but zoom in where you actually can’t see anything. It’s not an appealing film technique that I particularly enjoy.

But overall ‘Race to the Witch Mountain’ is a fun ride despite some of the flaws that slow down the full enjoyment of the picture.

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