Start a Fire

Start a Fire
Storyblazer Introduction

Where I got this Photo.

Monday, April 27, 2009



In the Milky Way Galaxy lies a particular solar system where much of the universe’s activities take place. Most of the happenings originate from a tiny blue planet, three planets away from a star. Actually it’s more like a giant ball of Gas then it is a real star. Several civilizations light years away have tried to conquer it without much success. Several species have stayed away from the planet because they think it a boring place with too many un-intelligent life forms.

In reality ‘Earth’ is a diversity of activity both extremely exciting and extremely ordinary. It encompasses both smart and dumb living things and dumb smart living & dumb smart living things. Overall ‘Earth’ is a great place to live in any century. In fifth month of rotation around that star in the 2009th year since time was reordered due to the birth of an extraordinary member of the human race who also happens to be existence itself, several exciting stories are going to be happening simultaneously at the same time.

While mutants are preparing to do battle in North America, Elephants in Africa are doing battle against the harsh climate and against a pride of hungry lions. Real life danger and drama is just as exciting as two indestructible beings dukeing it out.

While two ‘Lost’ pre-series recruits (one human & one alien) are training to Trek across the universe, a camera crew is trekking across the globe capturing sites and sounds where no man has gone too many times before. Unseen wonders and exciting landscapes are brought as evidence of a world that did not spring from nothing. It’s amazing how many worlds exist on one planet.

While Forrest Gump and Oppie are preparing to present a story against belief in the Grand Storyteller, ‘Earth’ itself presents an argument for the Grand Storyteller. The planet we live in is positioned just right for life to exist and the position itself influences the seasons which run the planet. It was positioned at any other degree, I wouldn’t be here to write what I’m writing.

While spending a ‘A Night at the’ Smithsonian ‘Museum’ several historical figures come together under one roof. On the ‘Earth’, several species, Penguins, Whales, Polar Bears & more come together under one planet.

While Robots in the future come to destroy humans, Sharks come to destroy seals and a Hungry Polar Bear comes to destroy some Walruses. Destructive predators whether man made or natural can cause serious damage to living things. Of course sharks and polar bears just want a snack, the robots just want to annihilate the human race.
While an old man and a cub scout are floating ‘Up’ into the Disney clouds, the eye of the cinema is ‘Up’ above the Earth seen from the ‘Nature of Disney’ perspective.

‘Earth’ is a fascinating place to visit. Having Darth Vader lead you around the planet makes it fun. After all who knows planets better then a guy who has conquered the whole universe? If you enjoy a romp around the world in 90 minutes you might like the longer spread out look at ‘Planet Earth’, already available for home viewing. The Short cinematic big screen experience is cut from the Long Television small screen experience. Either way I write it, visit the planet you live on and see the wonders of the world around you, you probably wouldn’t see if you didn’t see what other’s have seen and captured for you.

This has been a Banyai the Elf StoryBlazer Report

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